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iRubric: Narrative Writing: Stories from Other Cultures - Year 3 rubric

iRubric: Narrative Writing: Stories from Other Cultures - Year 3 rubric

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Narrative Writing: Stories from Other Cultures - Year 3 
Write a narrative based on the image provided on the SmartBoard.
Rubric Code: FX8ABB9
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Public Rubric
Subject: English  
Type: Writing  
Grade Levels: K-5

Powered by iRubric Narrative Writing

1 pts

Working Towards

2 pts

Working At

3 pts


4 pts

Introduction and Conclusion

This is the beginning and ending of the story.


*The introduction and conclusion are not clearly written.
* The introduction tells you the character and the setting but does not describe them.
* There are no links between the introduction and the conclusion.
Working Towards

*The introduction and conclusion are included but require more detail.
* The introduction begins to introduce and describe the character and the setting.
* There are some links between the introduction and the conclusion but these are not consistent.
Working At

* The introduction and conclusion are clear.
* The introduction introduces and describes the character and the setting.
* The links between the introduction and the conclusion are clear.

* The introduction draws the reader in and the conclusion wraps up the story.
* The introduction introduces and describes the character and the setting in detail.
* The links between the introduction and the conclusion are clear and detailed.
Problem and Resolution

This is the middle of your story.


* The writer tells you what happens to the character.
* The problem is told to the reader, there is no detail or description.
* The resolution is told to the reader, there is no detail or description.
Working Towards

* The writer begins to describe what happens to the character.
* The problem is told to the reader, there is some detail or description.
* The resolution is told to the reader, there is some detail or description.
Working At

* The writer describes what happens to the character.
* The problem is described to the reader.
* The resolution is described to the reader.
* The writer attempts to make links to other parts of the test.

* The writer describes what happens to the character in detail.
* The problem is described to the reader with details that link to other parts of the text.
* The resolution is described to the reader with details that link to other parts of the text.

This is how you have set up your story, your plan will help you.


* The ideas or not connected.
*There is no sequence to the story.
* The story is one paragraph.
Working Towards

* Only a few ideas are connected.
*There is some sequence to the story.
* The writer tries to make paragraphs.
Working At

* Most ideas are connected properly
* The story is sequenced correctly.
* The story is well divided into paragraphs.

* Ideas are connected and revisited.
* The story flows and is highly readable
* The story is correctly divided into paragraph.
Word Choices


* The writer uses few verbs and adjectives.
* The word choices are basic, repetitive and not always accurate.
Working Towards

* The writer uses some verbs and adjectives.
* The word choices are basic but not repeated often.
Working At

* The writer's good use of verbs and adjectives helps the story.
* The writer has put in some effort to use the right words or phrases to catch the reader's attention.

* The writer's use of powerful verbs and adjectives engage the reader.
* The writer has put in a lot of effort to use the right words or phrases to catch the reader's attention.


* There are many errors in spelling and punctuation.
* Capital letters are not used correctly.
Working Towards

* There are some errors in spelling and punctuation.
* Some capital letters are used correctly (for names and capital letters) but some are still used incorrectly.
Working At

* There are few errors in spelling and punctuation.
* Capital letters are generally used correctly.

* There are no or few errors in spelling and punctuation.
* Capital letters are used correctly, with no mistakes.

This is your red pen work, to make improvements to your finished story.


* The writer attempts to edit their work.
Working Towards

* The writer finds some punctuation mistakes (capital letters or full stops).
* The writer has changes some words that repeat.
Working At

* The writer has made sure that full stops are correctly used.
* The writer has improved some word choices to make them more powerful.

* The writer has made sure that all punctuation is accurate.
* The writer has used a thesaurus to improve word choices so that they are more imaginative and avoid repetition.
Final Draft

This is after you have edited your work.


* The story is basic and difficult to understand.
Working Towards

* The story is basic and a bit difficult to understand.
Working At

*The story is good , the use of language helps the story flow.

* The story is excellent, the use of language enhances the story and engages the reader.

  • narrative



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