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Rubric: TKaM/Tolerance Unit Project
In this project you can create one of three products. The choices are: 1. a move trailer, 2. a short story, and 3. a song. All of these must tell a story and incorporate the ideas we have wrangled with in class: tolerance, characterization, and cultural anthropology. In addition to the main product you must also create, using the elements of good design, a poster that advertises your product (song, story, movie, etc.). Be sure to incorporate root-based words throughout. A couple of Examples of Essential Questions: 1. Why is it important to be tolerant of one another? 2. What do values and beliefs reveal about character?
Powered by iRubric TKaM/Tolerance Unit Project
Movie Trailer, Short Story, or Song.

Advertising Poster for the Original Product.
  Atticus Finch

Exceeds - 97

4 pts

Tom Robinson

Meets - 85

3 pts

Mr. Cunningham

Partially Meets - 65

2 pts

Bob Ewell

Does Not Meet - 50

1 pts

Essential Questions

How well does your product answer the essential question(s) you chose? At least one of the essential questions must be about tolerance.

Atticus Finch

Product demonstrates a comprehensive answer to one or more essential questions through compelling insights and rich evidence of thinking
Tom Robinson

Product demonstrates a complete answer to one or more essential questions through relevant insights and evidence of thinking
Mr. Cunningham

Product demonstrates an incomplete answer to an essential question; would be improved by more insights and evidence of thinking
Bob Ewell

What's an essential question thingy?

To what extent does your product incorporate the 5 aspects of characterization (dialogue, direct description, actions, reactions, thoughts)?


Atticus Finch

Effectively incorporates at least 4 of the 5 aspects of characterization in a meaningful way.
Tom Robinson

Effectively incorporates 3 of the 5 aspects of characterization in a meaningful way.
Mr. Cunningham

Effectively incorporates 2 of the 5 aspects of characterization in a meaningful way.
Bob Ewell

Effectively incorporates 1 or fewer of the 5 aspects of characterization in a meaningful way.
Cultural Anthropology

To what extent does your product incorporate the 4 aspects of Cultural Anthropology (values, beliefs, socio-economic status, family structure)?

Atticus Finch

Effectively incorporates at least 3 of the 4 aspects of Cultural Anthropology in a meaningful way.
Tom Robinson

Effectively incorporates 2 of the 4 aspects of Cultural Anthropology in a meaningful way.
Mr. Cunningham

Effectively incorporates 1 of the 4 aspects of Cultural Anthropology in a meaningful way.
Bob Ewell

Effectively incorporates none of the 4 aspects of Cultural Anthropology in a meaningful way.
Advertising Poster

To what extent does your advertising poster follow the guidelines of good design? To what extent does the poster deliver the desired message? To what extent does it support your project?

Atticus Finch

Poster completely takes on the shape, form, and function of its inspiration, including the little details to make it real
Tom Robinson

Poster takes on the shape, form and function of its inspiration inspiration, perhaps omitting the little details
Mr. Cunningham

Poster partially takes on the shape, form and function of its inspiration, leaving out significant elements
Bob Ewell

Wait... we had to do what? Make a poster or something? I just put a bunch of photocopies on posterboard – good 'nuff?
Writing Effectiveness

To what extent is writing used effectively in the product and on the advertising poster?

Atticus Finch

Final product effectively uses writing/written language in a unique, powerful, creative, and/or dynamic way
Tom Robinson

Final product effectively uses writing/written language
Mr. Cunningham

Final product somewhat effectively uses writing
Bob Ewell

We had to write something? I thought this was an art project or something

To what extent did you effectively use root-based words in your product?

Atticus Finch

Uses 4 or more words effectively
Tom Robinson

Uses 3 words effectively
Mr. Cunningham

Uses 2 words effectively
Bob Ewell

Uses 1 or fewer words effectively

Mechanics, Usage, Grammar, Spelling, Appearance, Formatting, Crispness

Atticus Finch

100% MUGS accuracy and completely professional appearance
Tom Robinson

1 noticeable error/need for improvement in terms of MUGS or professional appearance
Mr. Cunningham

2 – 3 notice errors/needs for improvement in terms of MUGS or professional appearance
Bob Ewell

4+ errors/needs for improvement in terms of MUGS and/or a significant area of concern that undermines the project

How on-time was your product (including the advertising poster)

Atticus Finch

On-time or early.
Tom Robinson

One day late.
Mr. Cunningham

Up to one week late.
Bob Ewell

Up to two weeks late.

To what extent is the self-assessment thorough, thoughtful, and helpful?


Atticus Finch

Thorough, thoughtful, and helpful. The self-assessment shows a ton of ownership and understanding of the learning taking place.
Tom Robinson

The self-assessment is complete, but could show a bit more thought and/or ownership/understanding of the learning taking place.
Mr. Cunningham

The self-assessment might be incomplete and/or show little thought. Looks rushed.
Bob Ewell

The self-assessment is very much incomplete and does not show any thought.

  • TKaM, Cultural Anthropology, Tolerance, Characterization



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