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iRubric: Create a School Garden rubric

iRubric: Create a School Garden rubric

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Create a School Garden 
-Students take on the role of a Farmer. •Students plant a starter plant in the classroom. •Demonstrate knowledge and use of words related to seeds and plants. •Describe how plants grow and what they need to grow. •There are seven basic requirements that plants need in order to grow properly: temperature, light, water, air, nutrients, time, and room to grow. -Students provide necessary needs to produce vegetables in the garden.
Rubric Code: E247ACC
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Public Rubric
Subject: Vocational  
Type: Presentation  
Grade Levels: K-5

Powered by iRubric Create a School Garden
Students will follow the process of how things grow to create a garden.
  1-Not your Best

Students do not demonstrate any basic understanding of topic.

1 pts

2- Still Trying

Students begin to show some understanding of topic.

2 pts

3-You did it

Students show a basic understand of most of the topic.

3 pts

4- Fantastic

Students show understanding of all aspects of topic.

4 pts

Understand Role of a Farmer
4 pts

Student understand a farmers job is to produce vegetables and provide plants with all basic needs to grow.

1-Not your Best

Student does not know any of the responsibilities of a farmers job.
2- Still Trying

Student is familiar with a farmer but not what a farmer does.
3-You did it

Students can explain that a farmer grows and takes care of products on their farm.
4- Fantastic

Students understand a farmer cultivates a product from beginning to end and can describe how they achieve this.
Understands how to plant seeds
4 pts

Students understand they need, seeps, dirt and pots to plant starter plants and provide them with basic needs to grow.

1-Not your Best

Student does not know any of the necessary items to plant seeds..
2- Still Trying

Students know seeds need dirt but not how to plant them.
3-You did it

Students understand seeds need to go in dirt to grow and how to plant them.
4- Fantastic

Students understand seeds to be covered in dirt and provided with sun, water to grow.
Understands basic needs for a plant to grow
4 pts

Students understand the basic needs of plants to grow are sun, food and water.

1-Not your Best

Student does not know any of the basic needs for a plant to grow
2- Still Trying

Student can name one basic need for a plant to grow.
3-You did it

Students can name two of the basic needs for a plant to grow.
4- Fantastic

Student can name all basic needs for a plant to grow, Sun, Food, Water.
Understand how to transplant starter plants
4 pts

Students understand starter plants need to be transplanted into an outside garden to give them more room to grow but also still need to provide their basic needs to continue growing (sun, food, water).

1-Not your Best

Students do not know any of the steps to transfer starter plants to outside garden.
2- Still Trying

Students understand plants need more room to grow this is why they are moving them outside.
3-You did it

Students understand plants will grow better outside with more room to grow and understand steps to move them into the garden..
4- Fantastic

Students understand moving plants outside to give them more space to grow, understand steps tp replant in garden and understand they still need to provide basic needs to grow.
Understand when vegetables are ready for harvest.
4 pts

Students understand that vegetables must reach full growth before being harvested.

1-Not your Best

Students show no knowledge of when vegetables have grown.
2- Still Trying

Students observe vegetables growing but do not understand when to pick.
3-You did it

Students observe vegetables growing and understand they need time to grow fully before picking.
4- Fantastic

Students observe, care for and show understanding of when vegetables are ready to be picked.

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