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iRubric: Globe to Map Project rubric

iRubric: Globe to Map Project rubric

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Globe to Map Project 
Students will individually make a 3dimentional globe that they created from a card stock copy constructing the northern and southern hemispheres and connecting at the Equator. As a pair, they will choose the best to keep as a globe and use the other to dissect into a flat map using the "best" projection to identify specific locations.
Rubric Code: CAA423
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Public Rubric
Subject: Geography  
Type: Project  
Grade Levels: 6-8

Powered by iRubric Globe to Map Project

1 pts

Partially Proficient

2 pts


3 pts


4 pts

Knowledge and Understanding


Does not identify the basic needs on the map or globe.
Partially Proficient

Identify the some of the following on the globe and the map:
1. Equator
2. Prime Meridian
3. International Date Line
4. Compass Rose (on Map only) or only labels one of the tools.

Identify the following on the globe and the map:
1. Equator
2. Prime Meridian
3. International Date Line
4. Compass Rose (on Map only)

Identify the following on the globe and the map:
1. Equator
2. Prime Meridian
3. International Date Line
4. Compass Rose (on Map only)
in a creative/original fashion. Connections are easy to follow.
Knowledge and Understanding


Presentation does not display understanding of the pro's and/or con's of using a globe or a map.
Partially Proficient

Presentation displays understanding of the pro's or con's of using a globe and/or a map.

Presentation displays understanding of the pro's and con's of using a globe and a map.

Presentation displays understanding of the pro's and con's of using a globe or a map. Information gives comparison of maps and globes within the summary of information. Shows connection of both types of tools.


Does not provide information or provides minimal information on the 5 Themes of Geography.
Partially Proficient

v. Identification and examples of some of the 5 Themes in Geography for the table country.
1. Location (absolute, relative)
2. Place
3. Human / Eniron. interaction
4. Movement
5. Region
or provides the definition of the themes not examples.

Identify and provide examples of each of the 5 Themes in Geography for the table country.
1. Location (absolute, relative)
2. Place
3. Human / Eniron. interaction
4. Movement
5. Region

v. Identification and examples of each of the 5 Themes in Geography for the table country.
1. Location (absolute, relative)
2. Place
3. Human / Eniron. interaction
4. Movement
5. Region
Presents resources from the country and gives extra information that supports the culture, traditions or needs of the country.


Presentation does not display understanding of any of the major tools of geography.
Partially Proficient

Presentation displays some understanding of latitude/longitude, continents, direction or parts of the mentioned.

Presentation displays understanding of latitude/longitude, continents, direction

Presentation displays understanding of latitude/longitude, continents, direction. Identifies and presents additional information for the map/globe.
Critical Thinking- Globe


1. Glue or tape each hemisphere together land lines/lines of latitude and longitude not connected. more than 8 distortions.

2. Assemble into a globe; Hemispheres are connected.
Partially Proficient

1. Glue or tape each hemisphere together mistakes in matching the land lines/lines of latitude and longitude. 4 to 8 distortions.

2. Assemble into a globe; Hemispheres not aligned and L/L lines are not connected.

1. Glue or tape each hemisphere together matching the land lines/lines of latitude and longitude. No more than 3 distortions.

2. Assemble into a globe; Hemispheres aligned and L/L lines are connected.

1. labeling the landforms, large bodies of water and poles on both maps.
2.less than 3 distortions
Critical Thinking- Map


dissecting the globe using the original cut lines not maintaining one continuous piece
Partially Proficient

dissecting the globe using the original cut lines from the creation project but maintaining one continuous piece

dissecting the globe in the most usable/least distorting manor using a format that we investigated in class or that was available in the tools provided, maintaining one continuous piece

dissecting the globe in a most usable/least distorting manor, using an original method, maintaining one continuous piece (not one of the methods studied in class)


No summary of the pro’s and con’s for each (a globe and a map)
Partially Proficient

A summary of the pro’s and con’s for one (a globe and a map)one of the people provide a summary.

A summary of the pro’s and con’s for each (a globe and a map) both people provide a summary one on the front and one on the back.

A summary of the pro’s and con’s for each (a globe and a map) both people provide a summary one on the front and one on the back.
Summaries provide more than the basic pro's and con's of each of the tools and gives examples.


No information is provided for the 5 themes of Geography or minimal information is provided.
Partially Proficient

Providing information for some of the 5 themes of Geography in relationship to the table country.
1. Location (absolute, relative)
2. Place
3. Human / Eniron. interaction
4. Movement
5. Region

Providing well developed information for the 5 themes of Geography in relationship to the table country.
1. Location (absolute, relative)
2. Place
3. Human / Eniron. interaction
4. Movement
5. Region

Providing well developed information for the 5 themes of Geography in relationship to the table country. Gives current events and in-depth ideas as to the workings of some of the themes.
1. Location (absolute, relative)
2. Place
3. Human / Eniron. interaction
4. Movement
5. Region


no color or use of a variety of colors with no connection to continents. Not put together.
Partially Proficient

1. Globes are colored with more or less than 8 colors and the complete globe is colored.
2.Hemispheres are not cut out correctly.

1. Globes are colored with 8 colors and the complete globe is colored. (no more than 8 colors)
2.Cut out the hemispheres correctly

1. Globes are colored with 8 colors and the complete globe is colored. (no more than 8 colors)
2.Cut out the hemispheres correctly.
3. Additional information on both the globe and map is neat and legible


writing is legible and organized.
Partially Proficient

Presentation is neat, writing is legible and in a somewhat organized fashion.

Presentation is neat, visually appealing, writing is legible and presented in an organized fashion.

Presentation is neat, visually appealing, writing is legible and presented in an organized fashion. Use of color to enhance all text. Text is easy to see.

  • 3 dimentional globe changed into a flat map



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