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Found 7 Rubrics   (showing Rubrics 1 thru 7 )  
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1 rubric Manager of Multiple Patients Self-Reflection Assignment       popup preview  
Instructions Write a 5 page self-reflection paper related to a significant experience you identified in your journal. Include the following elements: 1. Recreate the scenario identifying the key participants & a detailed description of the series of events. 2. Describe your thoughts & feelings regarding this experience. 3. Describe your assumptions & point of view. 4. What is the purpose of reflecting on this? What question is at issue? Where do your assumptions come from? Were they valid? What information did you rely on to help understand this experience? What other sources of information could have been used? 5. What are the implications/consequences of your thinking about the event? What conclusions can you draw? 6. Based on this event, identify objectives or goals on how you can improve future practice in the role of manager of multiple patients. Describe how you plan to achieve your goals.

Grade levels:   N/A
2 rubric Manager of Multiple Patients Self-Reflection Assignment       popup preview  
Instructions Write a 5 page self-reflection paper related to a significant experience you identified in your journal. Include the following elements: 1. Recreate the scenario identifying the key participants & a detailed description of the series of events. 2. Describe your thoughts & feelings regarding this experience. 3. Describe your assumptions & point of view. 4. What is the purpose of reflecting on this? What question is at issue? Where do your assumptions come from? Were they valid? What information did you rely on to help understand this experience? What other sources of information could have been used? 5. What are the implications/consequences of your thinking about the event? What conclusions can you draw? 6. Based on this event, identify objectives or goals on how you can improve future practice in the role of manager of multiple patients. Describe how you plan to achieve your goals.

Grade levels:   N/A
3 rubric Theories in Counseling Final Paper       popup preview  

Grade levels:   N/A
4 rubric Case Study       popup preview  
Term Paper for Theories of Personality, Fall 2008

Grade levels:   N/A
5 rubric Critical Reflection/Analysis of your Teaching       popup preview  
To see yourself as others see you. To develop your skills as a self-reflective teacher. To identify areas to focus on.

Grade levels:   N/A
6 rubric Resume Writing and Cover Letter       popup preview  
Construct a resume based upon a future job that you would like to prepare for or construct a resume based on a current job that you are trying to obtain and prepare a Cover Letter to accompany your resume. You may use the Internet or Newspapers to apply for jobs.

Grade levels:   N/A
7 rubric Peer Evaluation Rubric - Case Studies       popup preview  
This is used for peer evaluations for presentation of case studies that are done in groups, with each side assigned as one of the parties in the litigation. May involve mediation or other alternate dispute resolution.

Grade levels:   N/A

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