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1 rubric **Spanish Final Skit 24***       popup preview  
You will create a Velvet skit. You can work in teams of 3-4. You will pick a scene and act it out. I/we should be able to discern it. The more authentic Spanish, acting, dress, props, etc., the higher the grade.

Grade levels:   9-12  
2 rubric **Spanish Final Skit 24***       popup preview  
Create your own skitt with w/ frases & vocab provided. INCLUDE roles for each person. Each student should talk about the same amount—no 1 person can dominate OR DIRECT. NO notes allowed OR LOSE POINTS. You must act it out with enthusiasm & dress the part. You will also need to use vocabulary from prior units.

Grade levels:   9-12  
3 rubric **Spanish Restaurant Skit 24***       popup preview  
Prepare skit on ordering w/ frases & vocab provided. INCLUDE roles for "mesero & clientes". ALL must order 1ST, 2ND, & 3RD COURSE, Cliente must HAVE 1 PROBLEM. EVERY cliente must comment on food at least once. Each should talk about the same amount—no 1 person can dominate OR DIRECT. NO notes allowed OR LOSE POINTS. You must act it out with enthusiasm & dress the part. One cliente must ask the mesero for the check.You will also need to use vocabulary from prior units.

Grade levels:   9-12  
4 rubric La Misma Luna Movie Picture       popup preview  
You willcreate an online Canva poster. You will select 3-5 themes and expand on them describing for each, something I know, something I learned, and something I want to learn. Describe your theme with examples from the movie. Use as much Spanish where possible and what you CAN say.

Grade levels:   9-12  
5 rubric La Misma Luna Movie Picture       popup preview  
You willcreate an online Canva poster. You will select 3-5 themes and expand on them describing for each, something I know, something I learned, and something I want to learn. Describe your theme with examples from the movie. Use as much Spanish where possible and what you CAN say.

Grade levels:   9-12  
6 rubric Ernesto "Che" Guevara 24       popup preview  
Students will create a Canva/Slides/or similar or handmade poster Ernesto "Che" Guevara. The task is to include a timeline from the movie. Tambien haran un Producto o Actuacion de una escence de la pelicula.

Grade levels:  
7 rubric Preteritos Cereal       popup preview  
Haz una caja de cereal con el preterito, como se hace el regular, el irregular y los cambios de raiz. necesitan un nombre en espanio. NO se debe ver nada de ingles. . Algo extra ganara credito extra.

Grade levels:   9-12  
8 rubric Famous Hispanic singer       popup preview  
You have been assigned Hispanic Singers. You must research your artist & select their most prominent work. You will include your artist's biography (childhood, any trauma, triumph, awards, where are they now, their period in which they worked & describe the characteristics of their genre as well as express why they are prominent with their audience. You need to do one of the following: their fav food, dress like them, or other approved by teacher.

Grade levels:   9-12  
9 rubric Gran Hotel-Spanish FINAL 22       popup preview  
You will create a presentation Velvet based on the assigned topics in Google Classroom. Select a mode to present & approve with teacher. The due date is according to school final dates. You can work in groups of up to 3.

Grade levels:   9-12  
10 rubric Gran Hotel Spanish FINAL 22       popup preview  
You will create a Gran Hotel presentation based on the assigned topics in Google Classroom. You can do this on a Tri-Fold, Spark, Skit, which needs to be pre-approved with the teacher. The due date is according to school final dates.

Grade levels:   9-12  
11 rubric La Misma Luna Movie Picture       popup preview  
You will draw a picture of the movie including written quotes for the movie. You will draw on one piece of paper 8.5 x 11 and will have one class period.

Grade levels:   9-12  
12 rubric AP Spanish Language and Culture: Persuasive Essay       popup preview  
Modified AP rubric for Pre-AP students

Grade levels:   9-12  
13 rubric AP Spanish Language and Culture       popup preview  
Oral Presentation - Cultural Comparison - Atleta Profesional Based on AP Spanish cultural comparison rubric

Grade levels:   9-12  
14 rubric Mi Historia Verbal Assessment Rubric. (the preterite)       popup preview  
Students will speak about a personal event with the aid of their booklet (foldable). Students are to use at least 15 different verbs in the preterite tense overall that covers at least 10 booklet pages. No sentences can be written on any of the pages. The pages are solely use to help the student tell his or her story.

Grade levels:   6-8   9-12  
15 rubric Enfermedades y Malestares       popup preview  
Estas de viaje en un pais Hispano y hubo un acidente. Haras un video desdribiendo una o mas enfermedades o heridas que ocurrieron en el viaje. Habra una persona herida o enferma. El medico/ enfermer/EMT tendra que diagnosticar. Describe el acidente. Usaras el preterito, imperfecto, participio pasado y el progressivo. Equipo de 3 personas o menos.

Grade levels:   9-12  
16 rubric Espanol 3 Repaso       popup preview  
En equipos de 2 hagan un repaso del peterito, imperfecto, presente progresivo, condicional en un Adobe Spark. Expliquen que es, cuando se usa, y practica con un juego, y un tik tok.

Grade levels:   9-12  
17 rubric Interpersonal & Presentational Speaking Assessment       popup preview  
Novice mid speaks in present tense only, memorized phrases, answers and asks simple questions. Novice high Speaks in present, simple future, and past tenses. Can manipulate language to express a thought. Answer and ask questions in present and past tenses.

Grade levels:   9-12  
18 rubric Folleto de Pais de EcoTurismo (ET)       popup preview  
Disena un folleto de ET. Incluye 1.Qué es ecoturismo 2.por qué es importante en el país 3. Debe ser llamativo 4. Incluye hospedaje (subjuntivo) 5. actividades (futuro y condicional) 6. aprendisaje en servicico. 7. Incluye fotografias y aproximados precios.

Grade levels:   9-12  
19 rubric Un desafio o fracaso con los tiempos perfectos       popup preview  
Escribe una descipción de cuando tuviste un fracaso o desafio. Incluye tres etapas de que fue, que paso, y como cambiaste o lo que aprentiste de esta situacion. Incluye lo que ocurria antes (pasado perfecto), una descripción del incidente (pret/imperf). Tambien explica lo que entientes ahora (pres. perft) on 3-4 frases en cada uno. Si tienes una foto para esto mejor.

Grade levels:   9-12  
20 rubric Cuando era mas joven       popup preview  
Escribe una descipción de cuando eras niño o mas joven. Incluye tres etapas de tu vida que incluyan, una descripción física y de tu carácter (imperfecto). Incluye un párrafo de lo que hacías en tu joventud (imperfecto) y un párrafo de lo que pasó una vez (pretérito). Incluye lo qe te gustaba, hacias, con quien jugabas, miedos (imperfecto) y algunos lugares que visitaste, cosas memorables (preterito). En total 3 parafos con 3-4 frases en cada uno. Una foto por parafo.

Grade levels:   9-12  

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