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1 rubric Literature Circles: Dear Abby       popup preview  
You are to write a Dear Abby letter from one of the characters in your book to this advice columnist. You are to seek answers to a problem that the character deals with in the book. You are then to write a response back with a solution from the columnist.

Grade levels:   9-12  
2 rubric Literature Circles: Friend or Foe?       popup preview  
Write a well-developed piece of writing in regards to your favorite character from your independent reading novel and from one of our movies. Explain if you think the characters would be friends or enemies. In the essay, you must discuss their traits, relationships, motivations, and experiences. Would they become boyfriend & girlfriend? What event could happen to make them stop being enemies? Relevant evidence must be used to support your thoughts and opinions.

Grade levels:   9-12  
3 rubric Literature Circles: Movie Poster Based on Literature       popup preview  
Pretend your book has been made into a movie. Create a POSTER to advertise your "movie"(book). Your poster should be easy to read and represent your artistic ability. Be creative. DO NOT copy the Book's cover. Remember to ask for feedback from your classmates and your teacher.

Grade levels:   6-8   9-12  

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