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1 rubric Role Model Presentation Rubric       popup preview  
This rubric is meant to help guide in the creation of your PowerPoint presentation project. Each category in the far left column represents a component of the project that will be taken into consideration when calculating the final grade for this assignment. Review the rubric carefully before, during and after the creation of the PowerPoint presentation, to ensure that all intended elements of your PowerPoint have been represented and all other criteria have been met.

Grade levels:   9-12  
2 rubric Science Safety Poster       popup preview  
Create a Science safety poster illustrating one of the safety rules from pages 380 - 381 of Science & Technology Perspectives 8. Use 8.5" X 11" white paper. Write and illustrate the rule on the poster. Colour with pencil crayons or felts. Include your name, date, and class on the front of the poster.

Grade levels:   6-8  
3 rubric Artistic Persepctive of Global Issues       popup preview  
Students were to choose an art medium of their choice (song, poem, visual art, etc.) addressing a global issue of interest to them. Write a one page analysis including: interpret the medium - what is the purpose? how does the medium convey the message? how successful is this medium in achieving its goals? Creator of the medium: Who created it? What perspective does it convey? Why did the author present this perspective? Personal reflection: Why did you choose this piece? Did the analysis change your perspective?

Grade levels:   9-12  

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