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1 rubric Mathematician Essay       popup preview  
Write a two page paper about your assigned Mathematician. You must use correct grammar and sentence structures. Please be sure that your work is completely error free. Cite all of your sources; failure to do so will result is considered plagiarism. You must answer the following questions as well: 1. Who is your Mathematician? Write a short paragraph about his life, biographical information only. 2. What did your Mathematician contribute to the world of Math? 3. How is your Mathematician's contribution used in the real world? 4. Are their contributions still used today? If not, why? 5. What alterations if any have been made to the theories/concepts discovered by your Mathematician? Has anyone completely disregarded their work? Mathematicians: Rene Descartes, Isaac Newton, Euclid, Pythagoras, Leonardo Fibonacci, Archimedes, Galileo, Johannes Kepler

Grade levels:   9-12  
2 rubric Mathematician Essay       popup preview  
Write a two page paper about your assigned Mathematician. You must use correct grammar and sentence structures. Please be sure that your work is completely error free. Cite all of your sources; failure to do so will result is considered plagiarism. You must answer the following questions as well: 1. Who is your Mathematician? Write a short paragraph about his life, biographical information only. 2. What did your Mathematician contribute to the world of Math? 3. How is your Mathematician's contribution used in the real world? 4. Are their contributions still used today? If not, why? 5. What alterations if any have been made to the theories/concepts discovered by your Mathematician? Has anyone completely disregarded their work? Mathematicians: Rene Descartes, Isaac Newton, Euclid, Pythagoras, Leonardo Fibonacci, Archimedes, Galileo, Johannes Kepler

Grade levels:   9-12  

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