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Found 5 Rubrics   (showing Rubrics 1 thru 5 )  
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1 rubric Dance Research Paper       popup preview  
Students will complete a research paper on a dancer/choreographer of the given country. Students should include significant information on their chosen style of dance. The paper should have detailed information. The video should include music and proper dance steps well performed.

Grade levels:   6-8  
2 rubric Social Media Project       popup preview  
Students are to use social media as a way to communicate to people the idea about the assigned theme. Some acceptable forms of could be: a blog, FaceBook, Twitter, or Instagram. Pages should be fake. Students can use a poster board and design what the page would look like. The only exception would be to design a page on the computer without it being published to the web, or publishes the page as a private page, where nobody can see or comment on it.

Grade levels:   9-12  
3 rubric Proyecto de medios sociales       popup preview  
Los estudiantes usaran los medios sociales para comunicar su idea del tema asignado. Algunas formas aceptables pueden ser parecidas a: una bitacora,Facebook, twitter o Instagram. El app o pagina de internet tiene que ser falsa. Los estudiantes usaran un poster para mostrar a la clase como se vera su app o pagina de internet con la unica excepcion, si va a ser hecho en computadora, de que no sea publicado/a ni tan siquiera como pagina privada.

Grade levels:   9-12  
4 rubric Describing People: Famous Hispanics       popup preview  
Create a description of a Famos Hispanics. Must include a picture of the person (magazine clipping, picture or drawing), three sentences describing the person in Spanish. First sentence must be the introduction of the person and the other two describing the person.

Grade levels:   9-12  
5 rubric Rubric for Spanish calendar       popup preview  
Make a calendar in Spanish

Grade levels:   9-12  

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