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Found 6 Rubrics   (showing Rubrics 1 thru 6 )  
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1 rubric Animal Farm: Napoleon Compared to a Historical Figure       popup preview  
Napoleon’s rule resembles that of many dictators in history. Research a dictator, such as Joseph Stalin, Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, Fidel Castro, or Idi Amin. Use a Venn diagram to show the similarities and differences between Napoleon or Animal Farm and a dictator in history. Write a paragraph describing the similarities and differences that will be presented to the class.

Grade levels:   9-12  
2 rubric Animal Farm: Chart the Changing Commandments       popup preview  
Create a 4-column chart. In the first column, list the 7 Commandments. In the second column, show how each commandment is revised by the pigs. In the third column, list the character(s) making the change and the chapter in which the revised commandment appears. In the fourth column, explain the reasoning behind each change.

Grade levels:   9-12  
3 rubric Animal Farm: Counter-Revolutionary Song       popup preview  
The song Beasts of England is a stirring revolutionary tune that excites the animals and unifies them in their cause. Analyze the ideas presented in Beasts of England and, from the viewpoint of Humans, write a counterrevolutionary song that calls for the overthrow of the social system established by the Rebellion on Manor Farm. Set your song to inspiring music and plan either a “live” or taped presentation of the song for the class to hear.

Grade levels:   9-12   Undergrad  
4 rubric Animal Farm: Calendar of Unity Sayings       popup preview  
One way to maintain unity among the animals is to read a daily saying similar to Boxer’s “I will work harder!” Brainstorm sayings that will unify and motivate the animals in working for the republic of Animal Farm. Then design a monthly calendar of daily sayings. Display the calendar in the classroom for your classmates to read after you’ve shared a few of your favorites.

Grade levels:   9-12   Undergrad  
5 rubric Animal Farm: Profile Common Worker/Unity       popup preview  
Choose one of the animals on Animal Farm to profile in an “Ideal Animal” segment at Sunday meeting of all the animals. The object of the personal profile is to give the other animals someone they can look up to and admire. Be sure to explain why the animal you have chosen should be recognized by his or her peers. Read the profile aloud and ask your classmates whether they agree with your choice.

Grade levels:   9-12  
6 rubric Animal Farm: Unity Poster       popup preview  
Which of Old Major’s statements in Chapter 1 can be used to unify the animals on Manor Farm? Rephrase one of Old Major’s statements to encourage the animals to work together for their common cause. Then design a poster for the saying, illustrating it with an original piece of art or a photograph that enhances the call for unity. Present your unit poster to the class, explaining how this phrase will unify the animals on Manor Farm.

Grade levels:   9-12  

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