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Keys to Technology Information

Meet the Instructor

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Monica Stallings

Gwinnett County Public School System

Curriculum and Instruction


Office: 1-3pm

Available Online from 6 - 10pm EST





At the top of the page, I have provided you with contact information in order that I maybe of assistance to you throughout the course of the class. Please do not hesitate to contact me. 


In this class, I have set out to design a program which will be collaborative, insightful, and interactive. My ultimate goal is to increase your awareness of technology tools which can help to not only create an excellent learning environment for your students, but to also help to better prepare them for a technology driven global economy.


A little about myself. I met and married my childhood sweetheart, 30 years ago. Life with him has been an adventure which I have enjoyed immensely. I have had the opportunity of living in and outside of the U.S. and have enjoyed every minute. We have one son who happens to be a Computer  Engineer (i.e. developer). However, it is worth noting that he can design and develop whatever you ask, but he has no interest in other aspects of the computer.


In case you are wondering about the musical wallpaper, I am not a Music Teacher, but my undergraduate degree is in music. I am a pianist, and yes it is true that you should not try to turn something that you love to do into a career; hence, I turned to a career in education where I believe I can make a difference.


Again, please contact me if you have any questions or comments.

my home | contact me | about me


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