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Cienega High School FFA and Little Rascals 4-h

Assgmt. & B.Work freshman

July 23:

* computer training

* website

* syllabus


July 24 and 25:

* bell work: website quiz- 

1. where do you find information and resources for science fair projects?

2. what 3 documents can be found on the documents tab?

3. what do all greenhands have to know?

4. list the 3 Career Development Days.



*Powerpoint for Intro to FFA: users/trishrush1/upload/file/Intro to FFA.ppt

worksheet for intro to FFA powerpoint:



*Powerpoint: Officer duties: users/trishrush1/upload/file/officer duties.ppt

worksheet for officer duties powerpoint:

users/trishrush1/upload/file/Worksheet for Officer Duties Powerpoint.doc


* Reading material about the History of the FFA: users/trishrush1/upload/file/readingabout_ffahistory.pdf


July 26 and 27:

Chapter Officer Visits


July 31

Bell Work:

1. What did you learn about the FFA from Thursday? List 3 things.

2. Who visited you Thursday?

Outside Work:

1. Weeds and Barns


August 1:

Bell Work:

1. What did you learn about the FFA from Friday? List 3 things.

2. Who visited you Friday?

Outside Work:

1. Weeds and Barns


August 2 and 3:


1. Copy and write the first paragraph of the FFA Creed 3 times...NO CUTTING AND PASTING!

Outside Work:

1. Finish cleaning barns

2. Pulling weeds and cleaning up Garden


August 7 and 8: 


1. In chapter 1 of the student ffa handbook, what are the 3 parts of agricultural education? explain each part.

2. What is the FFA Mission?


1. pig pen

2. garden

3. planting in the greenhouse


August 9 and 10:


1. In chapter 1- 

    a. list the benefits to joining the FFA.

2. In chapter 2-

    a. how was the FFA formed? p. 4 FFA then and now

    b. who was the first national FFA president?

    c. who was the first national FFA advisor?


August 13-16:

Bellwork: Outside working for bellwork and assignment


August 20:

Bellwork: What is an SAE and what is your SAE going to be?



1. Lab Safety

2. Greenhouse

3. Pig Pen/Turkey Pen


August 21 and 22:

Bellwork: Review Lab Safety from monday and write a summary detailing what you learned.



1. Fill out SAE Project Proposal

2. Safety

3. Scientific Method and Agriscience Fair Topic Discussion

4. Creed


August 23 and 24:

Bellwork: study and review for general lab safety test.



1. Test! General Lab Safety Test.


    * You must get a 100% on the test to pass! Keep taking it until you pass!

2. Creed

3. Outside


August 27:

Bellwork: List 4 general lab safety requirements.



1. Scientific Method

    * go to

    * click on project guide

    * click on scientific method

       1. go to your question- what does the question usually start with?

       2. go back and click on background research- use a table with the "question words" (why, how, who, what, when, where) to generate research questions from your key words- use the examples shown.

       3. go back and click on how to find information- list the 6 points of how to find information.

       4. bibliography- to the OWL at Purdue and review how to do MLA bibs and APA bibs; give an example of how to do a book bib in MLA and a book bib in APA.

       5. go back and click on research paper- what is the purpose of a research paper? and what should it include? What do most teachers want in a research paper?

       6. go back and click on variables- define, describe and give examples.

       7. go back and click on hypothesis- define, describe and give examples.

       8. go back and click on experimental procedure- define, describe and give examples.

       9. go back and click on materials list- define, describe and give an example.

      10. go back and click on conducting an experiment- define, describe and give an example.



 August 28 and 29:

Bellwork: Finish Scientific Method Homework



1. Go to

2. Click project guide

3. click on variables:

* Define the following:


-independent variable

-dependent variable

-controlled variable

-give examples of each

4. Click on Hypothesis: define and give the example listed.

5. click on experimental procedure:

* what is an experimental procedure?

* explain why repeating a science experiment is an important step.

6. Why should you have a materials list?

7. What should you have on your data analysis and graphs?

8. What should you have in your conclusions?

9. Explain the following:

-final report


-display board


September 5 and 6th:

Bellwork: fill out personal info and set up record books


September 10:

Bellwork: Review parts of the record book for tuesday and wednesday's bellwork


September 11 and 12:

1. In the google search bar, type in theaet.

2. click on login.

3. enter your username and password. The Chapter number is AZ0104.

4. click on profile.

5. click on manage/edit your personal profile and password- fill out as much of the form as possible..YES, fill out your personal info, the only people that see it is me and administrators-it's so we can call you if we need to.

6. click on record your school AG class schedule.

7. click on add class

8. click on add for intro to agriculture

9. click on school/community involvement

10. read through the instructions and examples, then choose the year, activity name and add if you have more.

11. go back to profile.

12. click on develop your AET experiences.

13. click add new.

14. click on experience category and look through each one listed until you find one that sounds like something you would like your SAE to be and click it.

15. Then click on subcategory, and look through the topics listed and add the one that sounds like something you could do; i.e., landscaping, garden, greenhouse, etc.

16. then choose your SAE type- refer to your SAE paper that was handed out last week for what your experience falls under.

17. scroll down to name and enter a short descriptive narrative for this enterprise.

18. Describe how you will accomplish your goal this year, if you need to read about it, google it and get an idea.

19. keep the category/unit at each.

20. keep the quantity at 1.

21. management module at none/general.

22. ownership is 100%.

23. click save and return to profile.

24. click on enter your resume information.

25. fill out the form as completely as you can.

26. click save and return to profile.

27. click on choose your career pathway under Your Interests. 

28. read through each career and click on the one that you are interested in.

29. sign out of AET and research your career, write a one page paper giving a detailed explanation of the career, what types of jobs you can get, what education you will need to accomplish it and how many years it will take. Also, record your references you used on a bibliography page, use the OWL at PURDUE to help you and do it in APA, not MLA. EMAIL it to me as soon as you finish.





 2nd Period computer kids: October 19-use the internet to find the answers to the following.

Define the following Vocabulary Terms:

1. Stomate

2. Guard Cells

3. Chlorophyll

4. Photosynthesis define and define the equation

5. palmate

6. pinnate


Answer the following questions:

1. What are the external leaf components?(list)

2. What are the 2 types of veins found in leaves and explain them.

3. What are the 6 ways leaves are arranged, explain them

4. What is the difference between monocot and dicot?

5. How are the vascular bundles arranged in a monocot and dicot?

6. Give 2 examples of a monocot.

7. Give 2 examples of a dicot.

8. Explain how photosynthesis is necessary for plants to produce food?

9. How does the phloem transport food through the plant after the process of photosynthesis?







