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More Cardio, Less Lardio-Let's Get Kids Moving!

Michael Sorrentino's E-Portfolio


Artifact 1


PED 201 –Professor Yang

Locomotor Skills Part B:  Lab Three


Name: Mike Sorrentino                              Date: 3/14/11                         Lab Group Day and #: Wednesday


A. To observe the interaction between Cortland students and St. Mary’s students.

B. Locomotor Skills Part B Worksheet.





Observe the interaction between St. Mary’s students and Cortland students.


1. Observe the St. Mary’s student(s) as they participate in the activities.  Describe the variability of the movement patterns you observed.  Be sure to note with whom you worked, what grade they were in, and any differences in age, gender, or ability.

We observed two kindergarten students who are both 5 years old.  One student was a boy and the other was a girl.  We assessed the students on leaping, horizontal jumping, and sliding.  The girl was better at most of the movement activities that we assessed the students on.  While leaping, the boy didn’t reach with his opposite hand.  After leaping, the boy seemed to lose interest and didn’t really participate in any other movement activities.  Both students seemed to have trouble with sliding, they both were doing more of a gallop then a slide.


2. Describe “teaching strategies” that YOU used today towards connecting with the children.  What were they?  How did YOU use them?  What was the effect?  Were there any strategies that were more effective than others?  If so, why?

Some teaching strategies that I used during this lab were using music to signal the start and stop of a game, and picking the taggers by choosing the kids who were quietest while I was going over the rules.  The music is a good way to signal the start and stop of a game because it’s very easy for the students to hear when the music starts and stops.  Also, them music adds something extra to the game and makes it a little more fun.  Picking who’s “it” based off of who is quietest while the rules are being explained is effective because almost all of the kids want to be “it” and they’ll do pretty much anything to be “it.”  This is a good strategy because it ensures that the kids are quiet while you are explaining the game to them.


3.  After being at St. Mary’s for these past weeks and observing and working with the students, can you briefly describe an effective strategy (or strategies) that you used to capture the children’s attention and keep them on task for your activity.

The best strategy that I have seen for getting the children’s attention and keeping them interested in the game is just being excited.  If you’re excited to teach your game to the kids, then they’ll be excited to play it.  Even though it’s hard sometimes to act excited when you really aren’t, it’s important to seem really into being there and teaching them so that they’ll also be excited to be there.





TGMD-2: Test for Gross Motor Development- Second Edition- Revised









Name of Students (first names only):____________/______________                 Grades:_K_/_K_                   Ages:  5 / 5


Gender:  Male/Female


Locomotor Skills- (Lab 3) Part 2




Performance Criteria

Child 1


Child 2


1. Leap

Use a clear space

During a game or activity, watch a student leap. Tell the student to take large steps leaping from one foot to the other foot.

1.         Take off on one foot and land on the opposite foot.



2.         A period where both feet are off the ground (longer than running).



3.         Forward reach with arm opposite the lead foot.



2. Horizontal Jump

Use a clear space

During a game or activity, watch a student jump. Tell the student to jump as far as they can. 

1.      Preparatory movement includes flexion of both arms and knees with arms extended behind the body.



2.      Arms extend forcefully forward and upward, reaching full extension above the head.



3.      Take off and land on both feet simultaneously.



4.      Arms are brought downward during landing.



3. Slide

Use a clear space

During a game or activity, watch a student slide. Ask the student to slide facing the same direction. 

1.      Body turned sideways to desired direction of travel.



2.      A step sideways followed by a slide of the trailing foot to a point next to the lead foot.



3.      A short period where both feet are off the floor.



4.      Able to slide to the right and to the left side.




Standard 1

Scientific and Theoretical Knowledge


Element 1.5: Analyze and correct critical elements of motor skills and performance concepts


Artifact: PED 201 Lab 3


Date: March 14, 2011




During our time at St. Mary’s School we assessed students on motor skills and manipulative skills. This lab was focused on assessing the leap, horizontal jump, and the slide.


In order to assess the students, we first had to think of games to have them play which would utilize these movement skills and allow us to assess them. While the students were playing the games and doing the movement skills, we would correct any mistakes that we saw in order to help them learn to do the movement correctly.


It is important to be able to analyze and correct critical elements of motor skills and performance concepts because they are vital to student success. Also, in order to allow them to move on to more complex skills, we must help students become proficient at simpler skills.

