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English 101


ENG 101

Description of Course:

In English 101 writing is covered in every facet of the subject possible. One of the subcategories of writing that this class covers are the different styles/types of writing: argumentative, to inform, compare/contrast, and research. As assignments we do one paper in each of these disciplines. Also taught is the proper way to cite a variety of sources properly such as online databases, magazine articles, and books (either with one author more than one). Along with these subjects, how to write a proper description of something usually followed by a reflection on the reading is elaborated for easy understanding so the skill can be mastered easily. This class builds a base for future improvement in all the different sectors of writing, acting in much the same way as the foundation of a house does.




Description of Image:

In the picture there are two beach chairs connected together underneath a wide blue umbrella which provides shelter from the blistering rays of the noon time sun on a Hilton Head beach. The beautiful white/grayish sand flows almost endlessly until met in an embrace with the shoreline, sinking beneath the refreshingly clear and cool water. Above the calm of the under water waves crash down onto the shore rising upwards towards the seats in lathargic motion until slowly residing in retreat back to its home for a second assault of waves to crash down. This cycle continues for minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, and centuries in one of the most monotonous processes known to mother nature.


This picture represents the inner sanctum that I call my personality on very many different levels. The bright, sun shinny day gives a preview of my attitude in life which is very bright and happy. The chairs as well as the monotonous cycle of everything occuring at the beach shows that im rather relaxed when it comes to most experiences and scenarios that occur in life. Along with this is the blue umbrella, blue is a symbol of calm and being in a serene state of mind which would definitely identify with my type of personality. I also love the beach and anything to do with water; wheather it be a lake, river, or pool. When i travel to the beach it seems to be my happiest times in life and it is a perfect get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.


Link to English Essay: Elderly Suicide


Reflection of Essay:

This was one of the essays written as an assignment for English 101. As part of the requirements we couldn't use research, but instead pull bits of information from our minds and pour it together in a very organized, and informational manner. This is very hard when a person wishes to write a long paper on something very interesting yet slightly obscure from common knowledge. In writing this paper I learned certain aspects about my mind as well as personality. I found that these thoughts that were learned in an unorganized way were just that in my brain, unorganized. During the process of putting these thoughts and facts together to become a cohesive unit I discovered that very rarely do I develop my own opinon about topics that isn't somehow influenced by other's opinons and/or the basic and simple facts of the subject. However, while drafting this paper I took up a separated thought process that I had not really known before. These thoughts took a deeper, personal look into the topic which provided me with more insight in my paper and has shaped my writing style ever sense.

