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English 101


Col 105



     Col 105 is a class which teaches you some helpful things that will make your college experience easier. You learn to take responsibility of your own actions and to never blame anyone but yourself. Also, you may learn some study skills which will help you learn different ways to study. Col 105 helps you understand the different cultures and ethnicities and how everyone is equal. Col 105 will help people to be understanding of different lifestyles and beliefs. Through Col 105 you will realize that no lifestyle or belief is the correct one. In this class you will also become closer to your classmates and staff that work at the college. You meet different staff members and attend different college activities that help you become closer to your college. In all, Col 105 is a class that helps freshman understand the new lifestyle they are entering.


Diversity Workshop

     The diversity workshop is a workshop that lasts about an hour and it is to teach you about the different cultures. It teaches you that all cultures are equal and we should be open to different beliefs and cultures. In this workshop you converse with others and explain your background and beliefs and they tell you theirs. This is to show everyone how diverse the different people in the room are. You are taught to be proud of where you came from and taught to support others no matter where they are from.



    I learned at the diversity workshop that everyone is different. No person is alike and we should proud to be who we are. I learned that we should be tolerant of other people and other cultures, knowing that we are all different and have different views. One negative thing I realized was that I sometimes stereotype different people and I am sometimes not tolerant enough of others. This is something that I need to get away from because it could cause me to be very narrow minded. I don’t stereotype people much of all but I notice that I do it on occasion. I learned that I should wait to get to know everyone before I choose an opinion of someone.


Cartoon workshop

     The cartoon workshop was when a cartoonist came and showed us all of her different cartoons. She told us how she used to get death threats and how many things she wanted to draw she was not allowed to because they got censored. The death threats were because people didn’t agree with what she was drawing. She said she just ignored them and they went after a while. She showed us the cartoons that were censored from the paper because they were too controversial. Now she draws for children’s books and she loves that. She told us to never censor what we believe and we should stand up for what we think an believe.



     I really enjoyed the cartoon workshop because it was interesting to see the things she cartooned. I learned through her that we should stand by our beliefs and decisions. Never take anything back that you do or believe in because you should stand up for yourself and beliefs. I realized that she was a strong person and she didn’t really care what others though about her. She told us that being a cartoonist was not a very good financial decision but she chose to do it anyway. This showed me a lot because she also told us to choose a job that we love. Don’t pick a job based off of how much salary is expected. I learned a lot at the cartoon workshop and most of it was from listening to her and watching. The cartoon workshop was a great experience.
