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Eng 101



Short-term goal:


My short-term goal is to get a "B" in Sociology 101 by the end of the semester.

Every test and paper I get back in sociology, I feel less and less motivated. I put so much time and effort into this class and I feel like there is nothing to compensate for it. My plan to reach this goal is to read every day out of the book because I have figured that reading out of the book is what helps me most on Ms. Donovan's tests. I plan on going to my teacher and to the writing center to check off my papers so that I can do the very best I can on them. My notes in her class are now more in depth and I am copying what she lectures on word for word which seems to help me the best. Also, I have been doing a 32 day commitment where I read 1 hour a day out of the book so that I can get a good grade in sociolgy. There are going to be many obstacles that get in the way of my success. One obstacle will probably be my room mates and friends. They are more likely to tempt me out of reading my sociology book. I'll just put mind over matter to overcome my temptation to skimp out on my reading.




Long-term goal:


My long-term goal is to be happy.

Happiness is the most important thing in life. Life has no meaning without it. I've always been a people-pleaser and I don't mind helping others. Sometimes I feel like people don't give me enough credit when I do favors, not even a thank you. I also go out of my way for certain people who can't even say thank you, let alone reciprocate.

My goal has no time limit, but I am constantly working on this goal. My plan to be happy is to just take a break from people and learn to say no, especially when I'm busy. Even though I love to help people, sometimes I just need "me" time. I just broke up with my boyfriend who had cheated on me (he was the third in a row) and I'm not going to let him put me down or feel like a lesser person. If I just put it behind me, I will end up being a happier and better person.Taking pictures makes me happy. The camera helps me view the world from a different "eye". I'm going to try to put more time into my photography and get loose with it. Also, I love to read. Reading is great escape from a hectic world. For a while, you're in somebody else's world and makes you forget about your own. What ultimately makes me happy is traveling. Whether it is going on a camping trip a few miles out of town to traveling to a foreign country, I feel at ease. I thrive on having constant adventure which brings out the real me. I plan on achieving this by taking time off from a hectic week and escaping. I always come back a refreshed person after a weekend getaway.

The biggest obstacle in achieving my goal will be letting others get in the way of my happiness. I'll overcome this by not letting them get in my way or bringing me down. Happiness is a state of mind which can be achieved through any situation.
