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English 101




Short Term Goal:

Keep a 3.0 GPA and Tranfer to Clemson


I guess my whole schooling life has not been as good as it could have been.  I realized last year that I needed to put my nose to the grindstone and make some good grades, and sure enough I got straight A's on my report cards last year.  That was to little to late and I did not get into my dream school, Clemson.  I think this goal is an achievable one and if I work at it I can get where I want to go.  Clemson is pretty much my only option to go into the field of forestry so that is my motovation. 


Long Term Goal:

Graduate Clemson University with a degree in Forestry, obtain a successful job, get married, and have children


I have always wanted to go to Clemson ever since I was little (even though both my parents and aunt and uncle went to USC).  I love the outdoors that is why I want to pursue a career in forestry.  My entire life I have looked foward to the time in my life when I can get married and have children, I guess you could say it is my dream.  To marry a woman that loves me for who I am, to have beautiful children who love me and to be a great father. 
