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English 101


English 101



This Is a picture of the rivalry game between Chapin and Mid Carolina



This is a picture of me and some of my teammates during our game last year against Mid-Carolina, this is our big rivalry game. 

This picture represents me because during high school I loved to play football and it played a huge part in my life from seventh grade until last year.  I lived for football season, and that is the biggest change from last year to this year.  Because at Tri County there is no football, so I have been forced to fill my free time with other things. 


Oil Prices At Peak


In this essay I discussed what effects high oil prices have on the United States.  My grade on this essay was average but I did do a good job describing the multiple effects high gas prices have.  This paper really opened my eyes to the multiple effects the high oil prices have on the United States.  Even this does not really apply now during the time I wrote the paper fuel prices where through the roof.  This was my first college paper ever, and I was really nervous about the grade I was going to recieve.  I pulled through with a C, but that gave me the motivation to put forth more effort on my other essays.  This essay made me reailize I was not in high school anymore and college essays are serious business.  

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