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English 101 Portfolio


About Me



About Me


    My name is Amanda Bergeron. I was born and raised in the tiny state of Rhode Island, and only relocated with my family to South Carolina about two years ago. I may be a “Yankee” by birth but definitely consider myself to be a southerner by heart. I love the South and don’t ever plan on moving back up North.

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    I am 19 years old and presently attend Tri-county Technical College as an undergraduate. I am studying to get my associates in Business Management, and plan to get certified in Real Estate. But it seems that I have become very indecisive since I have started college, so we shall see exactly where I end up.


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    I have recently demoted myself from the assistant manager position at Wet Seal, a girl’s clothing store. I worked very hard to get that title. Deciding to give it up was a tough decision, but probably the best decision I could have made for my education. College is very different from high school and requires a lot more of my time and energy than I had expected. Currently, I am now only working part time as a sales associate. I still enjoy my job very much and always look forward to going to work!


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    In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with family and friends. I often go to Beaufort, SC to spend time with my boyfriend, Braden, on the weekends. He is currently serving in the Navy, so our lives seem to revolve around that quite often. But when I’m not with him I love being at home with my family, traveling, hanging out with friends, or just sitting in my room by myself reading a book or taking a nap.


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