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English 101 Portfolio


ENG 101

Course Description

     In English 101 you are taught, in detail, the different patterns of writing which include: argumentative, cause and effect, compare and contrast, and illustration and description. You will learn how to effectively write an essay using each one of these patterns, while freshening up on grammar, punctuation, research and MLA skills. You will also have the benefit of learning how to create your own ePortfolio for future use.





 What Represents Me???






Objective Reflection

     In this picture the sky is a pretty blue; covered in a layer of clouds. Below the sky stands a towering row of what seems to be an unending cluster of evergreen trees. In front of the well grown trees, in the direct center of the picture, stands a smaller evergreen tree about half the size of the others, fully bloomed, covered in perfectly untouched white snow. The smaller tree stands all by itself; no other tree too close by. On each side of the picture stands more tall evergreen trees, also covered in the pure white snow. They part perfectly to each side making sure not to block the path of the tiny tree. The paths ground is covered with a sheet of pure, untouched, white snow. Not a footprint or even an animal track insight. Perfect and Peaceful.


Subjective Reflection
      I chose this photo to represent me because I find myself to be like that tiny evergreen tree in the center of the photo. Firstly, I picked an evergreen tree because no matter what season it is an evergreen tree is always in full bloom; its pretty vibrant green needles always holding strong onto the branches, and that’s how I like to think of myself and how I live my life. No matter what “season” it is in my life, whether it’s a joyful season or a painful season, I still manage to stay strong and keep my attitude and personality vibrant. Also in this photo, you can tell that the tiny tree still has a lot of growing to do, just as I do. I have matured, but I’m still young and have a long way to go until I can also stand as tall as the other people I look up to in my life. Now, notice the position of the tree. It stands alone, away from all the other groups of trees, and that depicts me perfectly. I have never blended in with a certain group of people before. I don’t follow the crowd and I’m not influenced easily. I enjoying being my own person and making my own decisions. I am determined, I am strong, I am ME!                                                                       


Click HERE to read my Compare and Contrast Essay, comparing the North to the South.



    My compare and contrast essay, comparing the North to the South, was not my best essay grade wise, but it was one of my favorite essays that I wrote. Comparing the north to the south has always been something I’ve done since I’ve moved to South Carolina from Rhode Island, so writing a paper about it was quite easy.
    I had very valid points and the structure of my paper was great, but once again, grammar was my downfall. Comas seem to be something I have a very difficult time with, but I’m working on it. Also, I will be working on my transitions. Although they aren’t horrible, I still think they could be improved so that to make my paper flow nicer.







