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English 101 Portfolio



Short-term Goals-

·         Make at least a “C” in all my classes this semester (Fall 2008)
·         Learn from my mistakes and correct problems quickly
·         Do well in all my LEI classes and learn about points of intersection
·         Make time for my kids
These goals should be easy to accomplish. So far I am on track to making at least a “C” in my classes. I am always learning from my mistakes especially in my writing. I am learning the point of intersections in my classes. I am still working on making time for my kids but I am getting better at it.
Long-term Goals-
·         Become a better father
·         Go back in the Army
·         Obtain my degree
·         Retire from the Army
These goals will take more effort, time, and planning. Becoming a better father will take the rest of my life. Going back in the Army will take some time so that I can obtain my degree first. Obtaining my degree will take a lot of time and effort on my part. Retiring will take the better part of 14 more years.











