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ENG 101 Portfolio


COL 105


COL 105
     College 105 is a class that was developed to help college freshmen a Tri-County Technical College have a smoother transition from high school to college. While attending a College 105 class, you are put into success teams with people who are in your class. Through these teams you will develop new friendships as well as a whole different outlook on how to approach college. Also, College 105 provides a book called On Course that gives specific examples of other peoples personal stories of obstacles they have had to overcome throughout their college experience and it allows us to relate them to any obstacles we may be overcoming and shows us a solution to any problems as well. With taking College 105, I feel that the exercises and mentoring will help me be more successful in college in the years to come.

     When having a College 105 class, there are required events that you have to attend so you can become more involved in the school and also so you can broaden your horizons as well. During the first semester, it is required that I have to attend at least six events, three of these are for our capstone project and the other three are required. ONe event that I have attended was the Diversity Workshop. Before attending the workshop I had no idea what it was going to be about. Then when I went to it, we talked about how everyone maybe different but if you look really close at every person whether it is someone you like or dislike you have something in common. Also, we had exercises where we had to pair up with a person we did not know, that way we would realize that some people who you would think had nothing in common with you really did have something in common with you. I feel that this workshop was beneficial because it really made the saying “you shouldn't judge a book by its cover” true. The second event that I plan to attended is the poetry readings. When attending this, I was able to hear peoples favorite poems as well as poems or songs that they have written themselves. Through attending this, I learned that many people find it easier to express their feelings through poetry and song rather than just talking about it to someone for help.
