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English 101 Portfolio


ENG 101

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Course Description:

     English 101 is a course designed to train students to prepare documents in the correct format. English 101 teaches students the correct ways to cite the information that they use to avoid plagiarism. This course explores many different types of papers and prepares students to handle writing each paper with ease. In this course students explore a variety of different techniques and strategies in being successful in English. Students study basic grammar rules, the writing process, finding books in the library, as well as online, they learn to cite sources correctly, work with others and offer constructive criticism, and much more. English 101 gets rid of student’s old, rusty habits, and replaces them with new, refined habits.








Objective description:


In this image there is a bay horse rearing into the sky.  The horse is standing at what looks to be the edge of a cliff or drop off.  The horse represents calmness and serenity; however, the horse rearing shows its wild side.  The sky behind the horse looks as though a storm is coming in.  There are dark clouds rolling in under a clear blue sky.  The ground looks really dry, and it looks as though it is in some desperate need of some water.



Subjective description:


     The horse in this image resembles the peace and serenity.  The fact that the horse is rearing shows that every calm rational person has a wild side and cannot be restrained.  The horse standing on the edge of a drop off resembles me in the fact that I am one to live on edge.  I love danger and excitement!  I feel like this horse at this exact time in my life.  I feel so free, so open, and so full of life.  The open sky behind the horse resembles how far my dreams and aspirations are able to go.  I feel more alive and vibrant now than I ever have in my life.  So, I believe that this horse represents me more than any amount of words ever could.  It may sound silly, but when I was younger I used to imagine what kind of animal I would ever be if I could be one.  This image is very close to the image that always appeared in my mind when I was younger.  To me, this picture represents what I have always wanted to become; free, vibrant, expressive, opinionated, kind, gentle, and strong.  This picture expresses all of what I want in life.  From what looks like a storm coming in, I see my future.  I plan on storming into the lives of many people and living a positive influence.  I want to resemble rain on this dry ground.  I want to touch the lives of those around me, and leave them feeling refreshed and glad that I came into their lives.



The essay that I enjoyed writing the most was about parents having a tough time deciding between putting their children into private or public schools.  In working at a day care I see parents facing this decision on a daily basis.  This decision also comes up when it comes time for parents to move their four year olds, that are in my class, to what is often called 'big kid school' or kindergarten.  I really enjoyed writing this essay.  I had the privilege of attending both a private and public school.  I attended a private school when I was younger, and switched to public schools during my sixth grade year.  I feel as though I have fully experienced each type of school.  I really enjoy getting to be such a strong influence in the lives of so many others.  I love getting to help parents make up their minds about which school would be best for their child.  Helping parents make a decision about which type of school they should send their little ones to, makes me feel as though I am making a difference.  In exploring my essay, it is apparent that children hold a very special place in my heart, and that I hate to see children choose a path that is going to lead them down a terrible path.  I hope that I am able to make a difference in the life of everyone I meet.


Click here to read my favorite essay.

