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English 101 Portfolio



Short Term Goals

  • Pull my grades up 1 letter grade by December 10, 2008.
  • Learn to properly use MLA before the deadline of my research paper, December 8, 2008.
  • Master Microsoft Office 2007 by the 1st of December in 2008.
  • Pull my grade up to a B in Sociology by December 1, 2008.
  • Don't miss anymore school days until December 10, 2008.
  • Make 3 new friends by January 1, 2009.
  • Develop better study habits before final exams start on December 4, 2008.



     Looking back on my short term goals, I realize they are mostly about my schooling and they are all very reasonable for me. I think that if I accomplish all of these goals, I will be a better prepared person for the remainder of my college life and post college life. In a way I kind of regret that I could not come up with more short term goals that apply to me.


Long Term Goals

  • Graduate Tri-County Technical College by December 10, 2011 with an Associate's Degree in Nursing.
  • Get a high-paying job at the hospital by January 1, 2012.
  • Move out of my parents' house by January 1, 2013.
  • Get married after obtaining the previous goals.  



              Looking back on my long term goals I realized they were much easier to think of compared to my short term goals. Unlike my short term goals, I know for a fact I will accomplish all of these. I wish I could say the same thing about my short term goals but for some reason, I don’t think I will achieve them all. I cannot wait to get my long term goals finished because it will be then that I am truly dependent and on my own. I think the biggest goal on my mind is moving out of my parents' house. My biggest goal should be graduating so that I can eventually move out on a stable income. I tried to list them in the order that I will accomplish them so it is easier to see how the next 5-10 years of my life will be.


