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English 101 Portfolio


About Me



I was born in Syracuse, New York on July 21, 1988.  I’ve long since moved away from there, but it will always be my home.  After a few years, my father’s job relocated to Columbia, South Carolina.  Needless to say, we moved down with his company just before I entered kindergarten.


In my fourth grade year of school, my dad left the company and found a new job in Greenville.  He made the two-hour commute every day until I was done with school.  We then moved to Greenville and have lived there since.  After middle school, I did not go to the high school I was zoned for.  I went to a high school on the other side of town because of an International Bacheloriate program that they offered there.  About halfway through my high school career, I realized that the IB program wasn’t the way to go for me.  I graduated high school with an IB Certificate in English, but I did not have the full IB Diploma.  High school was a great period in my life because I had a ton of free time, and I was worry free.


After I graduated, I enrolled at Greenville Technical College for two years.  They were the worst years of my life due to personal issues.  I had no idea what I wanted to do, I had no motivation, and I wasn’t receiving any support from anyone in my life.  I didn’t do too hot there.  I flunked out and was ready to give up on school when one of my friends since middle school talked about moving out and going to Clemson University.  Well, I knew I wouldn’t be able to get into Clemson, but I could start out at the local technical college.  So, I decided to move out of my parents’ house to go to Tri-County Technical College, and I have been having a great time.


I don’t have much free time to do recreational activities anymore, but I am learning to play guitar.  It’s a work in progress, but I’m sure I’ll eventually get decent at it.  I also spend free time reading.  There are only three authors that I have read in the past six years that aren’t related to any school work that needed to be done:  Terry Prachett, Neil Gaiman, and Douglas Adams.  I like to read when I have the time, but I’m usually busy working for money or working for school.


