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English 101 Portfolio



Description of Course: ENG 101 is a transfer course in which you obtain skills in efective writing, and techniques of research. Knowledge about the library is also obtained in this course.




                               Picture that describes ME!









Objective Description: In this picture, the lady on the beach seems to be very relaxed. There is an amazing blue sky in the background and the ocean water gently sliding up the sand. There is one rock in the sand that the woman is laying next to. The young woman is stretched out on the sand enjoying the beach.


Subjective Description: This photo describes me perfectly because I love the beach and I have always wanted to live there. I love to relax not only on the beach but just in general. My favorite season is summer and in this picture the weather looks perfect to me. The woman in the photo is alone and seems to like her alone time. I am the same way as she is. I love to be by myself a lot because it is relaxing, especially on the beach. I love to be in the water and sand. The beach is probably my favorite place and will end up being the place I live.

Click here to look at my ENG 101 essay!


Reflection of essay: I chose this essay because I feel very strongly about my topic. I wanted people to understand the dangers of the fast food industry and I wanted to inform them about the hazardous things fast food can do to the human body. From writing this essay I learned a little better how to research a topic I need and I learned how to cite material better. To improve this and many other essays I will work on my organizational skills and grammar. I will practice my grammar skills by writing more stories and essays. I would really like to improve my writing skills.





