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English 101 Portfolios


COL 105

     Col 105 is a class that helps you to learn more about yourself and about college and how it works. On the first day of this class I was not sure what to expect nor did I know anybody that was in the class. We were put into teams that were called success teams and we were to be working with these group members for the rest of the semester. To this point I have learned a lot about myself in this class. I learned what my goals were and how I was going to accomplish them, I learned what type of learner I am, and even learned some of my strengths and weakness’. This class teaches you about yourself, about how to study better, and how to survive college.




The first out of class event that I attended was the NCBI Diversity Workshop. The diversity workshop was to help students open their eyes and learn about different cultures. The workshop was to show us that we go to school with people of many different cultures and to help us understand that we are not all that different, we like some of the same music and have some of the same hobbies.



                I went into this workshop with my mind set to learn something from it. I had no idea that I would learn as much about myself as I did. I thought I knew everything there was to know about myself but I was wrong. I also learned a lot about other cultures and how similar they are to my own and how much I have in common with people in other cultures.   I enjoyed going to this diversity workshop and learned many things from it.



The second event that I attended was the Veterans Ceremony. The Veterans Ceremony was to give thanks to the men and women who have served in the armed forces to protect our country. It was also to give thanks to the families of the men and women who lost their lives protecting this country.During the ceremony a Veteran of World War II spoke about his experinces and how much the ceremony ment to him.  This man was an army ranger in WWII and is now ninety two years old and does around seventy speeches a year.



               I enjoyed this ceremony very much, because it gave me a chance to show my appreciation to the men and women who served in the arm forces to protect this country. I have family and friends who have served or are serving now and to see the amount of people went to this ceremony it showed me how people do respect the men and women of the armed forces.

