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English 101



      Long Term Goals                           Homepage
·        Transfer to Clemson University
·        Graduate from Clemson University with a major in Business Management and Marketing.

·        Open my own business (a boutique)




           I found it pretty easy to come up with my long term goals because they are a lot like my dreams. I have always wanted to graduate from Clemson University, and right now I am doing everything possible to make that happen. Opening my own business is also another dream of mine. I want to graduate from Clemson with a degree in Business Management and Marketing and then work for a business for several years were I will get the experience I need to open my own business. Even though it was very easy to write down my goals I know that it will be much harder to accomplish them. However, I know if I follow and complete my short term goals that they will lead me to my long term goals.




Short Term Goals

·        Complete the school year with a 3.0 GPA
·        Study for all tests
·        Maintain at least a B average
·        Make an A in English and Microeconomics

·        Make at least a B+ on my Research paper



        These short term goals were some of the ones I created in my College 105 class at the beginning of the semester. I created these goals based on my long term goals because I knew that the short term goals would help me achieve my long term ones. I need to complete this year with at least a 3.0 GPA because that is what I need in order to transfer to Clemson University. My other short term goal is to study for all tests so that I will be able to do well on them and in each class. The other one was to maintain at least a B average so that I will be able to get a 3.0 GPA and then transfer to Clemson. I also set the goal of making an A in English and Microeconomics classes, and I am doing very well in both. I made a 93 on my English midterm and an A on my both my first, and second Microeconomics test. I feel as if I am on the right track in those classes. My last short term goal was to make at least a B+ on my research paper in English. I set this goal because the Research paper is a longer version of the Argument essay which I made a C+ on. I had many mistakes on the Argument essay but I plan to correct those mistakes so that I can do better the second time around.


