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English 101


SOC 101

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         This course helps students see how everything works within a society. Sociology can be a very challenging course and is not common sense. This course will change how you view things in everday life. During this course you will write five essays that are not based on solely on the material but how it applies to life. Students will also take five cumulative test that are based on 40% from lecture and 60% from the txt. This is a very helpful class for any college student. 
One of the essays I wrote for Sociology 101 was the process of Socialization. Click Here to view this essay.



          This essay was a little difficult for me and took me a couple of days to complete. However, when I got the essay back I found out that I got a 7 on it. There is only three different grades you can recieve on a Sociology essay and they are a 10, 7, and a 3 being the lowest. I was really happy when I found out I had made a 7 on the essay because I did not think I was going to do well on it because I had such a hard time with it. I found out that when I think that I am going to have a hard time with a Sociology essay that I should complete it two working days before it's due so that my teacher can review it. This way I will have time to get the essay back and make any corrections that my teacher has recomended and make a higher grade. On this essay I made a few mistakes but overall I did pretty well.
