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English 101


COL 105


COL 105                   Homepage        
          College 105, also known as Freshman Seminar, is a course for first time college students. This class is linked with two other courses, where the same students are in all three classes together. College 105 helps students learn new study habits that will help them succeed in College. This course also teaches students how to have a more positive out look on life, and how to accept responsiblility for their actions. During this course you must attend one Diversity Workshop, and two events outside of class that are approved by the teacher. College 105 is a very helpful course for any first time college student.
Plagiarism Workshop

          The plagiarism workshop helps students to know what plagiarism is. The students are first given the facts and rules about plagiarism. Next, the students are given some examples of well written summaries and paraphrases. After that, the students are given the chance to try it themselves. The instructor puts up an article and tells the students to read through the article at least two to three times. Then, the instructor removes the article and the students begin writing a summary of what they just read. This is a very informative workshop that can really help a student with avoiding plagiarism.                                                





          During this workshop I learned a lot about plagarism that I didn't know. I learned that if you find the same information in three or more sources that you do not have to cite the information because then it is known as common knowledge. I also learned that in order to write an effective summary or paraphrase that it is best to read through the information two or three times then put the article or book away. By doing this it will help you to not copy anything word for word from the book. I also learned that four or more words in a row that are identical to another piece of work are considered plagarism. This workshop was very helpful to me because I did not know any of the rules to avoiding plagarism. I never learned any of these things in high school so I am really glad I attended this workshop. I would recommend any college student to go this workshop.


Political Cartoons

         During this event the students got the chance to meet Kate Sally, a famous political cartoonist. She use to draw political cartoons for a newspaper. Kate Sally brought many works of hers to show us. She told us a little about her self and how when she was younger she never thought she would grow to become a political cartoonist. She no longer works for a news paper but she still draws. She has actually been working on Children’s books for the past few years and enjoys doing that too.                                                         




         I thought the political cartoon event with Kate Sally was fun and very interesting. Kate Sally is a really nice woman who is also a very good political cartoonist. You could tell that she is a very strong woman and stands up for the things she believes in. She told us that a political cartoonist doesn't make a lot of money but she draws them because she enjoys it. I learned that it's better to be doing a job that you enjoy that doesn't make a lot of money rather than one that does make a lot of money but you're miserable in. She also told us to never regret anything you do in life. Mrs. Sally was a very intellegent and interesting person and I'm glad I went to this event. 

