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English 101 Portfolio


ENG 101




     English has been more than what I expected. It has actually been pretty cool! I knew we would probably have to write different essays and papers and usually I don't like doing that. During this class though, the topics were interesting to write about and I liked writing the different papers. We also do not have many test. That's always a plus.



Step 2 by Jnell D..5




     This is an image of a combine cutting oats. I love farming. I'll probably do it the rest of my life. It's just a fun job to me and I like doing it.



     A combine is a hard working machine and to be a farmer you have to work hard. That is kind of what I'm about. I do my best and work my hardest all the time and I will keep doing that all my life.


Reflection of my Cause and Effect essay:

     Since I live on the coast, during hurricane season we keep our eyes on the weather almost all the time. There is always a hurricane out there that might be coming toward us. Hurricanes are nothing to play around with, they can destroy pretty much anything that gets in its way. Hurricanes are very dangerous and they shouldn't be taken lightly.

