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English 101 Portfolio






Short-term goals:

      -Finish with a 3.0 GPA

      -Keep my life scholarship

      -Meet some new people

      -Finish with a B and above in all my classes


I need to work a little harder to maintain my 3.0 GPA. I had to drop my Sociology class because I didn't think I could pull a B out of it. I am going to try my best with it this summer when I take it again. I have a B in English and College 105, but I'm border line in my Math and Biology classes. The LEI program has helped me meet new people. I met those people by being in 3 classes with them. The success teams have helped me with that also.


Long-term goals:

      -Graduate from college

      -Find a good job

      -buy/build a house

      -start a family


As you can see, my short-term goals determine my long term goals. I need to do good in college so I can graduate. I need to graduate so I can find a real good job and then I can support a family. When I get a good job then maybe I can buy a house or I even might build one.
