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English 101 Portfolio



About Me



           My name is Lauren, and I was born in Canton, Ohio. My family lived in several places in Ohio including Athens, Cuyahoga Falls, and Bucyrus. We also lived in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. I can still remember seeing Amish buggies on the road ways. After Latrobe we moved to Buffalo, New York. Buffalo is south of Niagara Falls.

           When we went on a family vacation we went to Niagara Falls. In the past, people have made small vessels to ride over the falls. Some people have died in an attempt to make it over the falls. On our excursions to Niagara Falls I thought it was really fun to jump back and forth at the marker that defined Canadian land and American land.

           Later my family moved to South Carolina. My family fell in love with South Carolina. I completed middle school at Wren Middle School in South Carolina. Then I went to Wren High School in South Carolina.

           Once I was able to support myself I decided to move to different areas with in South Carolina. Then I moved to Atlanta, Georgia. After Atlanta I moved to Rockford, Illinois. While I was living in Rockford I had the chance to visit Chicago. My favorite place in Chicago is the Art Institute of Chicago. I have also vacationed in New Orleans, Dallas, and Washington D.C. I have had the opportunity to enjoy many famous works of art by Van Gough, Picasso, and Cézanne.


I am a big fan of The Brothers Quay, Jan Svankmajer, and Don Hertzfeldt. After seeing the short film “Street of Crocodiles” by The Brothers Quay I developed an obsession with Stop-Motion Animation. I have made one short film titled “Penny in a Top- Hat.” My first film has no dialogue and the animation is very amateurish. I used Photoshop to create frame by frame effects. Some of these effects are interesting. Some of these effects are horrible. After I completed “Penny in a Top-Hat” I was ready to start a new film. The next film project I decided to undertake I have worked on for the last five years. I am still in love with the film and the idea, but I know that the project will take ten to fifteen more years for me to complete alone. I am not willing to live in isolation and sacrifice my future for this film. I also need an instructor so I can become a better animator. That is why I decided to go to college. Currently, I am a university transfer student at Tri-County Technical College. I am enjoying my life as a student. My favorite course is Sociology 101. I think Sociology is very fascinating. I am also taking Art History and Appreciation 101. I love to see the work of artists from different time periods and cultures. I am especially fond of Mesopotamian, Greek, and Roman art. 


 This is a still frame from my movie the working title is "King of the Night".



 Hobbies: hiking, painting, sculpting, reading (fiction), writing (short stories), lifting weights, going to “rock” concerts, searching for authentic Korean food, going to art museums, and spending time with friends and family.


My favorite authors are: Chuck Palahniuk, Stephen King, J.K. Rowling, Jeff Lindsay, Peter Abrahams, Edgar Allen Poe, and H.P. Lovecraft.
My favorite kinds of foods are: (authentic) Korean, Indian, Thai, and Japanese.
Places I would like to visit are: Prague (and areas around Prague), Paris, Tokyo, Berlin, Oslo, Edinburgh, New York, Honolulu, and Sydney.
Places I would like to live are: San Francisco and Atlanta.

