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BJM MentexodusClub
Life Lab Living Way of Frugality Sharing Co-manifestation





1.  By individual, we relearn to reactivate the 6th sense in universal-wide connections with the Spirit -on energy pathway and trinity of life (life force, intuitive wisdom, and communal hi-touch) signal-flow strengths of the Spirit > Soul > Mind > brain > body > hi-touch unto the surroundings.

And, practice sustaining constency of the radiations of the trinity of life - that rules consistent radiations of peace, heppiness, spiritual > mental > physical healths that
spontaneously rules consistent circulatory flows of TTT (think, talk, touch) karma (boomerang effects) constuctive to growing on purpose of life.

By and through this practice we tremendously gain self healings spiritually, physically, socially, economically with propensity to become oneness with unfragile leverage and sharing relationship.


2. Together on team, we operate a network of profit-sharing hom-based businesses ragning from consumer products productions and services, to constructions, exodus travelers tourism, and IT engineerings, and contributing to exponential growths of network of inner power disposition camps under care of life-giving reproof and parallel (communal) capitalism mentors. 

3.  By individual, we practice duplicating the leading mentors spiritually, mentally, physically succeeding their mission on earth co-extending network of innerpower disposition camps.

AIM/ PURPOSE:  To live upper-plane spirituality > mentality > humanity maturity - always peaceful, happy, healthy amid ever-increasing numbers of exodus relearners, apprentices of all level, co-innovative partners, and home-based business operaters, and co-innovative mission successors.

GOAL:  Live a traveler life on accelerando circulatory flows of multi-chanel passive income, 6 months in Asia, 6 months in Europe - lifting unlimited numbers of families spiritually, mentally, physically, socially, economically.

