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Philippine Frontier Missions
Online School for Mission Studies


Welcome to PFM's Online School for Mission Studies!


For a number of years we have been dreaming of setting up a school to train a special breed of missionaries. Missionaries who would take on the challenge of reaching resistant unreached people groups, not only in the Philippines but in other countries as well.


It is an exciting time we live in. Teacher and student may live in different continents, yet still be connected in an online classroom. Indeed, as the Bible has said, "Knowledge shall increase" and "people will run to and fro." That definitely seem to describe the use of the internet! Well, we need to make use of what the Lord has allowed to be invented for the furtherance of His work. 


This is the first Adventist run Open School for Mission Studies. We are offering courses or classes that are not offered online elsewhere in the world. Among them are Tentmaking, Personal Evangelism, Introduction to Islam, and others. However, we need to have a minimum of 10 enrollees to begin a "class". So hope you will "enroll" now and invite your Adventist friends to become your classmates in any of the above classes.


For details on how to enroll, send an email to


Again, Welcome to PFM's online school!

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