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Chassie Turnbow BSN Nursing Student

Middle Tennessee State University

Leadership Skills

 Middle Tennessee State University

Student Nurses Association
The Middle Tennessee State University Student Nurses Association (SNA) is a chapter of the National Student Nurses Association. SNA consist of pre-nursing and current nursing students and provides a resource for students to join together and participate in activities. SNA is a student lead organization that was formed to meet the needs of a student nurse. The group holds monthly meeting and it features a guest speaker from different specialties of nursing. SNA also works to recruit individuals into the field of nursing through their break through to nursing programs held in local middle and high schools. I was able to participate in the group as the Membership Executive, Treasurer and Vice President. As Treasurer my responsibilities included overseeing the following:
      Membership Executive
v     Pay dues to the National Student Nurses’ Association.
v     Keep a current and accurate list of names, permanent addresses, local addresses, phone numbers, e-mails, and MTSU P.O. Boxes of all members of the MTSU SNA, which shall be given to all officers and the faculty advisor.
v     Serve as chair of the Breakthrough to Nursing Committee if there is no other Chairperson available.
v     Compile a contact information list of all the executive committee and distribute to board members within one week.
v     Perform other duties as designated by the President.
v     Act as custodian of the organization’s funds and deposit these funds into an account maintained by the MTSU SNA.
v     Present to the MTSU SNA members the amount of cash in the account and other assets owned, by the first meeting.
v     Sign checks, after approval of Purchase Order, for monetary disbursements.
v     Serve as chair of the Standing Fundraising Committee if there is no other Chairperson available.
v     Purchase MTSU SNA supplies as approved by the President or Executive Committee.
v     Prepare and assist with any audit of the financial records.
v     Keep accurate records of all current member dues, fundraising contributions, and disbursements.
v     Reimbursements should be given within two weeks of receiving the individual’s receipts.
v     Assist succeeding Treasurer with duties as needed and turn over all financial records to upcoming Treasurer upon vacating office.
v     Report MTSU SNA account balance at each meeting and any activity since previous meeting.
v     Report to Faculty Advisor account balance and any activity each month with a summary report at the end of each semester.
v     Perform other duties as designated by the President.
v     Perform other duties as enumerated in the MTSU SNA Policies and Procedures.
     Vice President
v     Assume the duties of the President in the absence or disability of the President.
v     In the event of vacancy in the office of the President, the Presidential Advisor shall assume the office and duties of the President.
v     Serve as Chair of the Standing Committee of the Bylaws/Policies if no other Chairperson is available.
v     Collect and disburse mail to appropriate officers in a timely manner.
v     Serve as alternative representative to the TASN.
v     Co-sign checks with the treasurer if no other officer is available.
v     Assist other officers with duties as needed.
v     Perform other duties as designated by the President.
v     Coordinate updates on the MTSU SNA e-scrapbook/webpage with the webmaster in a timely matter, which should include a list of meeting dates, if no other Chairperson is available.

v     Perform other duties as enumerated in the MTSU SNA Policies and Procedures.


