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CampbellSoupp's Website

Sample cover letter


5328 Winner Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21215
July 28, 2008
Mr. Paul Jones
Willow Computer Services
4 Oak Street
Baltimore, MD 21210
Dear Mr. Jones:
Your advertisement in the July 25th Baltimore Sunday Sun for an Administrative Assistant has come to my attention. I am currently a Data Entry Operator and would like to be considered for the position.
In addition to my work experience, I will receive my Associate of Arts degree in Business Management from Baltimore City Community College in 2009. 
I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss my qualifications for the Administrative Assistant position with you during a personal interview. If an interview is possible, please contact me during the day at (410) 371-4733 or after 5:00 at 301-765-4321.
Sheina Campbell
Attachment: Resume

That Cleaning Business Inc.
