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Miss Alicia Glaicar

As an adventurous, creative, and driven individual; I have many aspirations and long-term goals I plan to pursue.  Through juggling music, sports, jobs, school, family, and friends; I believe that I have gained the ability to achieve all of my future goals as well as excel in all areas of my life.  I like to keep a balance between these areas which I feel enables me to remain emotionally, physically, and intellectually healthy.  After attending a semester in Austria and finishing my Bachelor of Commerce Degree in 2009, I hope to have gained the necessary skills and experience needed to begin searching for a career.  I am interested in all aspects of business including; marketing, production, finance, sales, and human resource.  My ideal job would be to work for an innovative company in the marketing department in hopes of creating and implementing new product designs.  This may also lead to starting my own company in the future.  I hope the information in this portfolio will aid in understanding me as a person and possible employee.  My accomplishments, future aspirations and moral beliefs, skills, previous and current jobs, interests, and many unique experiences are outlined throughout my portfolio and have molded me into the person I am today.  I can honestly say I am proud of who I have become and am excited about the many more opportunities and experiences the future will bring!
