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Amanda Conklin's E-Portfolio!

MY Self-Reference




Dear Miss Conklin,


For the past three months I’ve had the privilege of being acquainted with you. In those brief three months I’ve seen a hardworking studious girl grow into a responsible and knowledgeable young woman. You posses a number of remarkable talents and a strong drive for success. As I have viewed your frequent trips to webct.  When faced with a task you like to explore your options and you diligently pick the appropriate choice for yourself. You were always willing to cooperate and share your opinions with the class and I appreciate how you contributed to our classroom discussions. You have really blossomed throughout this semester.

Amanda you are patient and thorough. You explain things with clarity and understanding and try your very best to make sure the information is being recognized.  You were exceptionally good at keeping some of your group members on task. You took constructive critism well and altered ideas based on the advice I gave you. When you are faced with a problem you can’t solve, you search for a solution. For this reason, you are constantly looking to expand your knowledge and continue your education. I have seen your dedication to education in action.

Amanda you are very reliable and kind. Your interest in everyone is genuine and I can count on you to be in class. You appear to have a great compassion for this field and I am proud to have been apart of your educational journey. Best of luck in all you endure.

With Warmth,

Dr. Smirnova

