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msucsam: hello csam!
Gneissman: Hello
vladbuchynskyy: Hi! This wedsite is truly well done and very friendly
nayyer: good job guys...i agree with the post above :)
dtesta: Teaching Middle Grade Mathematics program is absolutely the most enlightening learning experience. Professores Oates and Schultz are phenomenal !
councilmembers: Thank you to everyone who send their suggestion through suggestion box and we would appreciate if you could spread the words around.
snow: The slippery spots in Richardson is out of control. The stairwells are undone, its very dangerous. Please .. please... please we are scientists... we have to be safe than that, thanx
an interested 1: It's interesting to know what student research is going on right now at CSAM.
curious: Who is exactly allowed to attend the csam events?
csamer: you are! :)...they're for anyone that want to attend