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Oscoda Area High School - English Department

OHS English 11A - Class Website

Learning Life’s Lessons through Literature

The theme of this trimester in English 11A focuses on transformational thinking, and is entitled:

Dealing with Change:

Using forward thinking to make better decisions

In Mr. Anderson’s class, you will be offered instruction, provided supporting materials to assimilate, and then be assigned practice and participation tasks that will require you think, respond, and perform in various ways, helping you to assimilate the concepts and skills as your own,

Each day, students will have opportunities to earn points toward the total points for the class.  Each student’s success in this class will be directly tied to the amount of effort each is willing to put forth.

This course is based on a series of written texts, both fiction and non-fiction, along with literature in other media formats that will require the student to expand the boundaries of their understanding of literary sources for learning.

Classroom Rules:    The Student Handbook is the foundation for our common life as students, faculty and administrators forming a unique learning community.  I cannot in good conscience deviate from the strictures of the Student Handbook, so, please understand that if, and when I may ask individuals to conform to the rules and procedures outlined in the Student Handbook, your positive response in expected.  I understand that not all rules or procedures meet with the personal desires or disciplines of some individual desires; however, for the sake of our educational community, all are expected to lay aside differences for the sake of all.

Along with the Student Handbook guidelines, we will all:
        • Be respectful of each other…
        • Be responsible for your actions…
        • Follow directions the first time they are given…

Hall Passes:   

• If a you need to leave the classroom, you must first ask for and receive a hall pass.
• Students are expected to sign out and sign back into the classroom upon their return – a form will be posted on or near the door.

Assignments:    A heading in the top right corner of the first page of each assignment must follow this model:
        Your Name (first and last name)
        English 11A – Hour (1st, 4th, or 5th)
        Assignment Title
        Additionally, successive pages must have, in the upper right corner, your Last Name and Page Number.

Weekly Assignments: will be posted on the white board and on my Web site at  It is your responsibility to copy

                                   the information into your notebook. 
