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Natalie's E-portfolio


Patient Care

As a future dental hygienist, I have the opportunity to provide preventitive, therapuetic and educational services to my patients.  I am concerned about my patients systemic and oral well being and can help to benefit and provide an excellent service to them.



Assesments That I Perform: 

  1. Extra and Intral Oral Exam
  2. Gingival Description
  3. Marginal Bleeding Index
  4. Probing Depth and Bleeding on Probing
  5. Recession
  6. Mobility
  7. Mucogingival Involvement
  8. Attachment Level
  9. Fremitus
  10. Furcations
  11. Calculus Code
  12. ADA Classification
  13. AAP Classification


Spring Semester 2008:

  • Completed 11 patients
  • Have 4 patients in progress
  • Completed 10 fluoride treatments
  • Completed 3 children
  • Completed 8 adults
  • Completed 3 FMX, 4 BMX and many supplemental radiographs

