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Snake Distinguished Political Party Home Page


Distinguished Party
Creator: Christopher R. Wells Jr.
Symbol: Snake

Color: (None found as of yet)

Created: November 17, 2007 (unofficial), No official Date





Worker Policy:

          We believe that anyone at or over the age of 15 1/2 years old has the right to and should work if wanted. Since this, we also think that to get a better job above assistant-manager, you must have atleast a GED and to go higher than manager, you need your High School Diploma.


51 Policy:

          We believe that no secrets should be kept from the people at all times. Since this belief, we will tell anything we know about any current superstitious myths that we have knowledge of any supposed event that was thought to be linked with any terrestrials or extraterrestials of any kind.


Foreign Policy:

This party favors a foreign policy that intervenes only when necessary. The party wants to abolish any action in wars unless action is required (inclusion of bombing). Only when we or our allies lost citizens in any way, we will then intervene as necessary. We will pull our troops back as soon as war is unecessary for us to be in.


Fiscal Policy:
The Distinguished Party supports reducing spending and replacing the income tax with tariff-based revenue (supplemented by excise taxes) but are pro for the role of the United States federal government through making the bureaucratic regulation more regulated throughout the government. We call for the tax revenue to be under control.
In this party, we believe that their is a party best able to achieve fiscal responsibility. Our party increasingly calls for responsible tax policies and government spending that keeps the budget deficit under conrol. As long as this is under control, we believe that the country should be able to pay off its debts that it currently has.
Social Policy:
This party is ‘life’ and thus opposes euthanasia and abortion only to a certain extent (their only possible if they can’t afford to care for them). The party opposes the death sentence only if the person on trial didn’t commit one of the three ‘capitol crimes’ that the party believes in (murder, attempted murder, and attempted suicide).
Our parties Social Policy prohibits stem cell research. It’s too much of a burden on the United States funding for research. If we spend more money on research on children that never really got a chance to live freely in the world.
The Distinguished Party is okay with same-sex marriage to a certain extent. We think their should be a quota for same-sex marriages in the US (3,000 couples a year), and as long as that quota hasn’t been met, we think they should be able to be married.
Economic Policy:
The Distinguished Party is open to the idea of rights to not commit crimes (robbery, killing, ect) but do anything else they want (that includes same-sex marriages).
          This party opposes high healthcare and welfare costs. As the economic stability declines, healthcare and welfare keep their prices steadily but very slowly rising. Because of this, we think that they should be joined into one program, ‘Lifecare’. This program has a low cost but providing whatever prescriptions they need (prescribed by a doctor only).

Since teenagers buy over-the-counter drugs to be able to get a ‘high’ of sorts, we were thinking of putting almost every over-the-counter drugs into prescription drugs for a safety precaution. As this would put it, all over-the-counter drugs would need to be prescribed as is.

Small business' need to be kept going because, if left to fend for themselves against big business', wil most likely go out of business due to bigger competition. We think that, if their are a set number (still undecided) of small business' of that type in a certain town or city that a large company wants to build in, building will not be permitted.

When we look on high school students dropping out here in the Us, we see a growing problem. As long as this continues, it will only grow as the population does. We are against the dropping out of any student in high school and are more than willing to put a law into place that doesn't allow students to drop out and requiring any and every school that has a student that has simply not come in a set number of days report their last known address to the police.

Immigration Policy:

The Distinguished Party opposes illegal immigration but is all for legal immigration. The party believes that if immigrants come into the country illegally, they should be dealt with by deportation or being put through the process of getting a green card. If any participants fail the test, not to mention it will be difficult, we hope to put in, they will be deported to the countries from which they came.
