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Wisdom Circle Online Bible Study


The Wisdom Circle is an organized body of women dedicated to victorious living through proper application of biblical principles to life situations.  It is our goal to:
  • Help women recognize their statue and value in Christ
  • Discover what's God's true purpose for our lives
  • Discover or recognize our spiritual gifts and to walk in our divine destiny
  • Be intentionally inclusive in bringing together women from diverse backgrounds, whether they attend a church or not
  • Hold to biblically-based principles and present all topics in the light of scriptural teaching, believing the Bible is God's Truth for mankind
  • Encourage each woman in the circle in the development and growth of her relationship with Jesus Christ and at the same time, envision new ways to inspire, encourage, and affirm one another.
  • To create a safe haven for women to share personal experiences, triumphs and failures
  • Encourage and strengthen one another
  • To nurture spiritual development and growth
  • To develop honest and caring friendships
  • To provide a comfortable atmosphere to study the Word in order to learn biblical truths for living one?s daily life.
Bible Study Model Employed:  Peer Ministry Model
The Model employed, offers shard leadership, group interaction, and the sharing of stories.  The basic components of this bible study group are:
  • Topical bible Study (Study by Topics)
  • Inductive Bible Study (Study by Passages)
  • Character Bible Study
  • Application of Scripture to Life Circumstances
  • Scriptural memorization
  • Personal story telling (peer mentorship)
  • Journal writing (self discovery and insight)
Overall bible study objectives:
  • Seek Knowledge through scriptural and topical bible study
      • Having knowledge is the ability to collect, remember and access information and facts
  • Get Understanding through study, meditation and prayer
      • To have understanding means to be able to abstract meaning from the scriptures you have knowledge of; True understanding produces principles to live by.
  • Apply Wisdom
      • Having wisdom is the ability to apply the right principles to the right circumstances; Obtaining God's perfect wisdom is our goal; God gives wisdom freely to those who ask, James 1:5