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Cassandra Hanson's ePortfolio

Cassandra Hanson

EDPL 215




I am a graduate student at Marquette University.  This particular ePortfolio has been created for EDPL 215 in order to showcase the work completed this semester. 


As an educator, I find technology an extremely important concept in the classroom.  My students are increasingly dependent on technology and I wish it were easier to fund technology in my current school so that I could more easily utilize it in my classes. 


As a high school English teacher, I find myself to be a rather interesting mix of educational theories. I most firmly align with the ideas behind constructivism, authentic assessment, performance based assessment, and the theory of multiple intelligences; however, as I teach more honors and AP students, I see a very clear need to stick with traditional assessment in order to prepare those students for the final, traditional criterion assessment.  I feel a major pull between educational theorists at the moment and wish to find a comfortable balance in my classroom.

